500 Calories a Day Diet - Good Idea Or Bad?

Some people try to lose weight by going on a 500 calories a day diet. This is a low-calorie diet and the concept is very simple: you eat very little and you lose weight. Great, right?


This may sound like a great, and logical way to shed pounds but this is far from the case. In fact, a 500 calories per day diet has a lot of cons which you need to know about before you begin skipping meals. The main con is that this diet can actually make you gain weight! But I'll go into that a bit later.

Can you lose weight when eating just 500 calories each day?

The answer is yes but only for a short while. And you will not find this an easy eating plan to stick to as it's extremely low on calories. You may see some weight loss during the first week or so, but that would mostly be water weight. Any longer than that and you may encounter one of the following symptoms:

1. Tiredness - Eating too little can deplete you energy and make you feel exhausted all the time.

2. Lack of concentration and memory lapses. You brain won't function as it should with so few calories in it.

3. You may feel irritable because you will constantly be hungry.

4. If you try to stick to this plan for a long time you may even begin to experience hair loss and other nasty starvation related symptoms.

5. You will lose muscle mass which isn't what you're trying to do. You want to lose weight but look toned, and you can't do that when you eat so little.

But the main thing is that eating 500 calories a day is bad for your long term weight loss because eating so little causes metabolic slowdown. When you eat so little your body slows down the rate in which it burns calories so that your fat stores will last longer. This is a survival mechanism which our body developed over the ages and cannot be turned off.

As you will not continue to eat 500 calories per day for the rest of your life, when you begin eating normally again, your metabolism will remain at the 500 calories level so that you will see your weight shoot up even though you're eating normally.

500 calories is too low and a very bad idea. You can lose weight fast without going to such extremes.

To read how you can eat 4 meals a day and lose 9 pounds in 11 days, visit this webpage:
Lose 9 lbs. With FatLoss4Idiots
To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Weight loss Tips and Tricks
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

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How to Lose Weight Fast After Having a Baby - 5 Simple Tips You Should Be Using

How to lose weight fast after having a baby? This is a very good question. If you found yourself to be in shape before your pregnancy, you may not really like the way you may look after you've had your child. You body may need a little time to get back to the way it was before you had your baby. So, don't let this fact get you down. You will succeed to looking your best again. In this article, I will be sharing some things you can do to get your body to the way it was and shed the pounds quickly.

How to Lose Weight Fast After Having a Baby Tips:

Follow these instructions to reach your goals.

1) As a new mother, you should be doing some exercises. Although, just make sure you do very light exercises and nothing too strenuous. You don't want to over do it. A little will be very helpful for you. If you don't know what you should do, by all means, make sure you talk to your doctor. You don't want to be losing pounds right after giving birth to your child. You will need the calories. Doing even a little exercise will help to relieve some stress.

2) As soon as your body has had enough time to recover, you can start a regular routine to shed the pounds from your body. Once your period gets back to the regular cycle you can start this routine. Ask your doctor exactly what they recommend a good routine would consist of. Also, it is important you start taking some vitamins and supplements.

3) You should not get depressed if you don't shed the pounds as quickly as you would have wanted. All women are different. Some shed the pounds early, some shed the pounds later. If you have about 20 pounds to lose, it may take up to six months to get rid of it. So, just try to be patient.

4) As being a new mother, try getting into exercise programs that also involve the baby and other new mothers. This will give you a chance to get out with other mothers and motivate each other toward your goals.

5) You don't have to spend all your time worrying about your shedding pounds goal. You will need to spend your time and energy on your new one. So, take your time and with a little effort, you will get to your goal.
In this article, I shared with you five tips on how to lose weight fast after having a baby.

Use the above tips to help you shed the pounds off after giving birth and stay healthy. Take a look at this great method that will not only allow you to lose all your extra weight, but will cure any diseases that might be associated with being over weight. Go see it right now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Burt_Amadio
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Health and Fitness Are Not The Same

Few would argue the fact that regular physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases, including hypertension (high blood pressure), stroke, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer and osteoporosis in addition to improving one's quality of life. According to the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology, to reduce the risk of chronic disease, it is recommended that adults accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. At this point you are likely wondering how you could possibly perform 60 minutes of physical activity consecutively, let alone find a free hour in your busy day. Before these thoughts cause you to stop reading this article, let me emphasize the magnificence of CSEP's recommendation and what researchers have discovered about exercise. The key to health and chronic disease prevention is the accumulation of daily physical activity. Further notice that the specifics of the type of physical activity are also missing. Sure, some activities are indeed better than others, but the term 'better' is specific to one's goals. For cardiovascular health, activities that use large muscle mass and rhythmic motions such as walking, biking and swimming are great, but this doesn't mean other forms of physical activity aren't effective. In fact, any activity that gets you moving will do just fine. I have intentionally been avoiding the use of the term exercise. Exercise is typically associated with pain, sweat, and in some cases misery! By using the term physical activity we encompass things such as gardening, washing the car, dancing, playing with children and even housework. To understand why these activities, even in small amounts are great for our health we must first understand that multiple short bouts of physical activity provide all the health benefits of a single long bout of physical activity.
How can this be? If we separate the terms health and fitness this will make more sense. Health is defined by the World Health Organization as 'a total physical and psychological sense of wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease'. Fitness on the other hand is tied closely to physical performance and sport such as the ability to run quickly or for long periods of time. A regular walker or hiker can therefore be every bit as healthy as a marathon runner despite lacking the fitness attributes that allow the runner to complete a race in a limited amount of time. A more concrete example of this would be comparing blood pressure and blood cholesterol between runners and walkers. Assuming that other lifestyle, diet and genetics are similar, the results of these tests would be similar and doctors would give each a clean bill of health with respect to these measures.

How does one train for health or fitness? Different intensities and types of exercise confer different benefits. Vigorous physical activity (running and sprinting) provides greater benefits for physical fitness than does moderate physical activity (walking) and burns more calories per unit of time. Resistance exercise (such as weight training, using weight machines, and resistance band workouts) increases muscular strength and endurance and maintains or increases muscle mass. These benefits are seen in adolescents, adults, and older adults who perform resistance exercises on 2 or more days per week. Also, weight-bearing exercise has the potential to reduce the risk of osteoporosis by increasing peak bone mass during growth, maintaining peak bone mass during adulthood, and reducing the rate of bone loss during aging. In addition, regular exercise can help prevent falls, which is of particular importance for older adults.

It is important to recognize that the intensity of exercise is relative to the individual and not the activity. Thus brisk walking for an inactive individual with excess weight may be the same relative intensity as jogging for an avid runner. Thus a heavier individual should expect to experience elevated breathing and heart rate at lower intensities than a lighter or more fit individual.

The barrier often given for a failure to be physically active is lack of time. Setting aside 60 consecutive minutes each day for planned exercise is one way to obtain physical activity, but it is not the only way. Physical activity may include short bouts (10-minute bouts) of moderate-intensity activity. The accumulated total is what is important-both for health and for weight management. Physical activity can be accumulated through three to six 5-10 minute bouts over the course of a day. Consider incorporating both longer bouts and shorter accumulated bouts of activity into your day to increase your odds of achieving 60 minutes physical activity daily.

Pedometers are great for measuring the accumulation of physical activity. It does not matter if physical activity comes from house hold chores, a walk, a hike or a run. Further, a pedometer provides motivation, reminds us to spend less time sitting and rewards us for all activity. Remember, what matters is accumulation of physical activity and every step counts. Changing our minds about what counts as exercise can be motivating, rewarding and when you realize that all activity counts, you might just have the best kept yard and cleanest house on the block!

Drew Harvey is the founder and director of Healthy Weights
He is a kinesiology professor and has helped thousands at his research and weight loss clinic.
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Why is Health and Fitness Important?

Have you ever asked the question, "Why is health and fitness important?" If you have, then it means that you have started to become aware of the importance of health and fitness in your life.

Most people are unmindful of the question until they experience signs and symptoms of various ailments. They then start to engage in some type of exercise and diet plan. They find it difficult to cope with exercise as they have left it too long and their symptoms get the better of them. It is therefore important to start your health and fitness regimen as early as possible.

There are several good reasons you need to know the answers to "why is health and fitness important?" You must understand that the body is primarily designed to be agile and mobile. Living an inactive and sedentary life is unsafe to one's health. Being immobile and stationary may lead to serious diseases and even death.

But sorry to say, the world we live in today is conducive to a sedentary life. The downside of technology is that it affords people to do things conveniently. You can either do things sitting comfortably or standing still. The body parts are not used as they should. What is the result? Health and fitness takes a backseat, and worse, suffers.

Consider this: instead of walking a few blocks, you take the cab or your car. You sit in the couch and simply press the remote control to switch on and off your television or change channels. You are content to get in touch with your family and friends via the internet rather than physically going to their place or even walking a few miles.

While all these bring much convenience, there is a disadvantage to your health and fitness. You do not move your body as you are supposed to be moving. It is no wonder that you will experience pains in your joints and muscles as a result.

Health and fitness is certainly essential to ensure not only your physical being, but also your mental and emotional well being. When you are healthy and physically fit, you do not only feel good but you also look good and can handle your daily routine better. When you feel better about yourself, you look at the world in a different perspective. You do not mind too much about the negatives and instead you tend to focus on the positives.

It does take a bit of discipline and determination to stay fit and healthy. It is important to think about the downside of ignoring your health and fitness as you will surely suffer in the future. Fortunately for you, technology is also making it possible to bring you all the activities and resources that will uphold your good health condition and physical fitness. No matter what the answers are to question "why is health and fitness important?" it is all up to you to choose the answers that suit you best.

With a lifelong passion for health, I enjoy sharing my personal experiences with diet and exercise. I also enjoy reviewing products, enjoy my latest reviews on Unique Shower Curtains and Contemporary Shower Curtains.
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The Fitness Meal Component of Good Health

A key component of your plan for good health should be the inclusion of a fitness meal that includes the nutrition necessary to fuel and revive your body after a strenuous workout routine. As you work your body, key vitamins and nutrients are lost or used by the body and need to be replaced. Ignoring this need can lead to short and long term consequences for your body and for your workout routine.

The exercise that goes hand in hand with the change to a healthy lifestyle takes its toll on the body. Most any form of exercise depletes the body's energy stores. As well, since exercise builds muscles, your body needs protein as the basic building block for good muscle development. A good fitness meal provides for all of these things, and more.

The first thing to realize is that your body needs this nutrition, whether you are hungry or not. Of course it's not wise to immediately sit down for a meal after your workout, but getting the nutrients to your body within an hour or two helps to replenish, restore and revive.

When planning your meals on the days that include a workout, keep in mind that you want balanced nutrition on the plate. Servings of fruit and vegetables can provide powerful antioxidants and vitamins essential for proper functioning of the cells. A portion of the meal also needs to be based on a high protein component. Remember that the protein is essential in helping the body build and repair muscle tissue. Don't forget the complex carbohydrate part of a balanced meal. Even though your workout may be complete, the carbs are necessary for the energy your body needs for the rest of the day. If you are planning for meals before your workout, the carbs become that much more important in making sure your body has enough energy to complete a good workout and avoid injury.

A component of good nutrition is the inclusion of plenty of water. Certainly throughout the day you need to remember to stay hydrated through the healthy discipline of a water drinking regimen. On workout days, extra water is needed so plan for that with your meals, throughout the day and even while completing your exercise routine.

Living a healthy lifestyle includes eating appropriate portions of healthy food. As you work towards optimal physical fitness, remember that nutrition plays a key role. Having a good fitness meal will help keep you on track for a healthy, active life.

Vincent P. King is a freelance writer who writes about affordable medical insurance. His goal is to help freelancers, small business owners and others find the best health insurance quotes and understand all their medical coverage options.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vincent_P._King

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Tips On Choosing A Weight Loss Program

Studies show that each year in the United States, approximately fifty percent of adults start a diet of one sort or another. Unfortunately, what is also a fact is that most of these diets fail. People may show a rapid loss for a few days, but then boredom sets in, or the dieter plateaus for days and the momentum is lost. It is typical that any weight lost is quickly gained back, often with a few extra pounds as well. Here are a few suggestions for avoiding this frustrating pattern by choosing a weight loss program that can be maintained indefinitely.

When choosing a specific program for weight management, keep in mind that different people will have different goals. Maybe only a few pounds must be lost. Programs for females are different than those for males. Maybe an individual is morbidly obese. The types of programs designed for one person may be very different than those for another person. There are some basic principles that apply to all programs, though.
One of the main considerations to ensure when you are choosing a diet is to get medical advice. Not all medical professionals are competent to provide detailed and sound advice about managing your weight. Ask your family physician for a referral to a colleague who specializes in the field of weight management.

Balance is another keyword for choosing a diet program. Long term elimination of a specific food or class of foods from the diet is not healthy. Choose a program that will allow for long term maintenance. Incorporate a broad range of healthy and tasty foods.

Another component that is always helpful, regardless of the type of program, is activity. Some people only need a conscious effort to take a couple flights of stairs instead of an elevator. Others will enjoy swimming, or just an evening stroll after dinner. Even though it takes a lot of time to burn up a pound of calories, there are health benefits from the improved metabolism.

Programs you choose should help you plan for transition from strict guidelines to a more normal eating habits. It is frustrating to eat in a way that is foreign for long enough to lose the desired pounds, only to gain them back quickly as soon as the dieter returns to "normal" eating. Changes in lifestyle are best.

Most diet programs work better if you can share the experience with each other. Encouragement to stay on track when the temptation is greatest may make the difference between success and failure. Find a friend who wants to lose a few pounds and develop a plan you can both follow.

Finding and implementing an effective weight loss program is a way to take an active role in your wellness. You know that overweight, even by a few pounds can significantly affect your health and longevity. You may be surprised at how much better you will feel when you weigh in at an optimum level.

Emma Mallery is a passionate writer who loves writing high quality articles on just any topics.
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4 Best Weight Loss Tips For Women

If you want to learn how to lose weight and better your health you have come to the right place. Below I am going to share with you four simple tips you can use to start losing weight and get in the best shape of your life now.

Take Nutritional Supplements 

Nutritional supplements are necessary and very beneficial. And when combined with healthy eating, you have yourself a recipe for weight loss success. It is very difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs from food alone. That's why you must combine good nutrition with nutritional supplements. The one supplement everyone women should take is a good multi vitamin. It will ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs so you can get out there and lose the weight.

Eat Healthy 

When it comes to losing weight and nutrition is the most important aspect. Without proper nutrition you will never lose a pound. As the saying goes, you are what you eat. If you eat bad things, you will be unhealthy and overweight. You eat good things, you would have the body that you've always wanted.

So starting right now, make a conscious effort to start eating healthy. It's not easy. But if you really want to lose weight it must begin. Some of the good foods you should add in your diet are chicken, fish, vegetables, nuts, berries, peanut butter, olive oil, and whole grains just to name a few. As you start to gradually change your eating habits, you will start to see major improvements in the way your body looks.

Start Exercising

Exercises is a vital part of losing weight. However, it is not as important as eating right. You see, you can work out 4 hours a day but if your diet isn't right you will never lose weight. So don't use exercise as an excuse to eat whatever you want. It doesn't work that way. Exercising is what will get you over that hump and to the body that you want.

And besides losing weight, there are many other benefits to exercise. You should aim to do at least 30 minutes of cardio three times a week. If you can, do more. You should also do strength training. Lifting weights will not bulk you up. Most women think it will. But it won't. What it will do is help you increase your metabolism and burn more fat while you're at rest.

Get Plenty Of Rest 

If you truly want to maximize the amount of weight you lose, you need to get plenty of rest every night. Getting good rest every night is vital to your weight loss success. Sleep helps your body heal, replenish and get ready for the next day. Every night you should aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep. When your body gets plenty of rest, you will be able to workout harder and ultimately lose more weight.

Those are the four best weight loss tips for women. If you follow these four tips you we'll lose weight and in the best shape of your life.

Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do. I know because I struggled with my weight my whole life. But once I learned how and what to eat that all changed. I started to lose weight and feel confident again. You too can do the same thing. Are you ready to feel confident and sexy again? If so check out Eat Yourself Thin NOW!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=H._Miller

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Tips to Easily Increase Water Consumption for Weight Loss

Beyond its role in general health and vitality, when you are trying to lose weight, providing your body with sufficient amounts of water on a daily basis has a very significant role to play in helping you achieve your weight loss goals and it is actually considered to be a must.

While it might be true that we get water from food and might therefore not really need to drink quite so much, however when it comes to trying to lose weight there is the actual need to drink much more amounts of water. This is why it is generally recommended that dieters try as much as possible to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Drinking this amount of water per day is considered by most dietitians and nutritionists to be optimal for weight loss, proper digestive functioning and also the provision of extra energy.
Drinking enough water facilitates weight loss through several mechanisms amongst which are:
  • Suppression of hunger
  • Improvement in overall metabolism
  • Improvement in digestive health and prevention of constipation
  • Detoxification of the body through removal of metabolic wastes
  • Reduction of stress and its related cravings and abdominal weight gain
While most people might consider drinking eight 8-ounces glasses of water per day to be a lot of water to drink, the truth is that this does not have to be done at once.
Tips for Drinking More Water
Hereunder listed are some tips to help you make drinking more water easier so as to take full advantage of the benefits of using water as a weight loss adjuvant.
  1. Try to avoid drinking too much water with your meals as it may interfere with the proper digestion of the meal. One or two glasses at each meal should be okay.

  2. Make it a habit to drink at least two glasses of water when you get out of bed in the morning to help suppress your appetite and thereby reduce your calorie intake during breakfast. However, always remember that it is very important to eat a healthy breakfast.

  3. Spread your water intake throughout the course of your day. For instance, you can select 3-4 times during the day when you drink a full glass of water and other times when you just take sips.

  4. Ensure to sip your water rather than gulping the whole thing down at once.

  5. If you find it difficult drinking ordinary tepid or ice water, you can try giving it a natural astringent flavor by adding a splash of lemon or lime juice.

  6. If you'd like to, you can equally count non-caffeinated herbal tea - green or white tea, fruit or vegetable juice, or soups as part of your daily water intake. However, you must ensure to add their respective calorie values to your total daily calorie intake.

  7. Water is best absorbed when it is drunk warm or at room temperature. When it is too hot or too cold, water can impair digestion and affect the fragile digestive linings. Since the body usually burns extra calories to heat up ice water to room temperature before it can use it, and moderately warm water inhibits the body from unnecessarily retaining tissue fluid, you should endeavor to alternate the use of ice cold and warm water as much as possible.
In summary, drinking adequate amount of water will help you to suppress your appetite, increase your energy levels and also boost your metabolism and fat burning capability. Taking into cognizance the fact that water has absolutely no calories, you can now better appreciate why it should become an integral part of any sensible weight loss initiative.

Visit us today for more top-quality, impartial nevertheless well-researched and detailed best weight loss tips and aside from that find reviews of several of the best weight loss diets which can assist in considerably stepping up your slimming efforts.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marcus_J_Michael

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